by Edwin Rios | Feb 22, 2012 | Health & Science, National Security, Politics
WASHINGTON – Cyber security legislation needs smarter regulation with room for technological innovation in the private sector, a former Homeland Security secretary said Wednesday. The bill should raise the bar on private security capability and serve both...
by David Uberti | Feb 22, 2012 | National Security
WASHINGTON – Experts Wednesday called the situation in Iran a “budding crisis,” but they warned against military action to stop the country’s fledgling nuclear programs. A strike against Iranian nuclear facilities could not only increase regional sympathy for the...
by Kit Fox | Feb 22, 2012 | Business
WASHINGTON — Pharmacists in 20,000 locations across the U.S. are about to move to the other side of the counter. A new company called RxAlly has created a network of pharmacies that will share technology and create more personal relationships with patients....
by Safiya Merchant | Feb 21, 2012 | Health & Science
WASHINGTON – To counter the shortage of two important cancer drugs, the Food and Drug Administration reached out to U.S. and foreign manufacturers Tuesday in an attempt to increase the flow of the drugs to American markets and hospitals. FDA Commissioner...
by Kit Fox | Feb 21, 2012 | Politics
WASHINGTON — The first time Danica Patrick sat behind a steering wheel, her Go Kart had no brakes. She slammed into a concrete wall and ruined her parent’s gift to their two daughters. The first time she raced professionally in an Indy car, she woke up in a hospital...
by Ben Kamisar | Feb 21, 2012 | Business
“In its big picture role, the State Department’s traditional diplomatic mission to promote geopolitical stability contributes to business confidence and creates an environment in which international commerce can flourish,” Boeing CEO W. James McNerney Jr....
by Rachel Morello | Feb 21, 2012 | Politics
WASHINGTON – In a year that combines federal belt-tightening and election year politics, President Barack Obama’s administration released a budget proposal that asked every department to “tighten their belts to free up more resources for areas critical to...
by Rebecca Nelson | Feb 21, 2012 | Politics
WASHINGTON — With her hand chopping the air in condemnation, Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton of Washington on Tuesday accused Congress of overstepping its authority with legislation restricting abortions for women in the District of Columbia. Introduced by Rep. Trent...
by James Arkin | Feb 21, 2012 | Education
WASHINGTON – High unemployment doesn’t necessarily mean jobs aren’t available; instead, those seeking work may not have learned the skills employers demand. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said part of the problem is a shortage of teachers with sufficient training...
by James Arkin | Feb 16, 2012 | Education
WASHINGTON –The No Child Left Behind education law that was a hallmark of the Bush administration has been due for a five-year renewal since 2007, but Congress, mired in partisan battles over education policy, has only been able to muster support for annual renewals....
by Megan Neunan | Feb 16, 2012 | Education
Arne Duncan said funds to raise teacher pay are already in the system. He suggested money exists in sections of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act targeting low-income students and teacher training. (MNS) WASHINGTON — In its search for better schools,...
by Shirley Li | Feb 15, 2012 | Business, Politics
WASHINGTON – Chinese Vice President and expected future leader Xi Jinping urged international stability Wednesday between the U.S. and China, calling for a “mutually beneficial relationship” in a speech before business leaders on the second day of his U.S. tour....