by Kit Fox | Mar 13, 2012 | National Security
WASHINGTON — Despite growing tensions in Afghanistan, including a U.S. soldier allegedly shooting 16 civilians and troops accidentally burning copies of the Koran, President Obama will not accelerate removal of military forces in the region, the White House said...
by Mattias Gugel | Mar 13, 2012 | Business, Education
WASHINGTON — With manufacturing jobs opening up in American cities, President Barack Obama has turned to community colleges to bring new workers up to speed , despite the government’s record of inefficiency in its job retraining efforts. Obama’s latest attempt at...
by Kit Fox | Mar 13, 2012 | Health & Science, Politics
WASHINGTON — A grainy black and white video on YouTube shows then President-John F. Kennedy addressing a joint session of Congress on May 25, 1961. Kennedy pauses after each phrase and inflects his voice upwards as he says, “I believe that this nation should...
by Ed Demaria | Mar 13, 2012 | National Security, Politics
WASHINGTON — A debate over how to balance government openness against the need to protect information vital to national security has reopened on Capitol Hill in the wake of a 2011 Supreme Court decision. In the middle of “Sunshine Week,” designed to...
by Patrick Svitek | Mar 12, 2012 | National Security, Politics
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is not known to bite his tongue. So when the former budget guru was called to testify on the Pentagon’s spending plan earlier this month before Congress, he also refused to mince words. Before the Senate Budget...
by Edwin Rios | Mar 7, 2012 | National Security
WASHINGTON — The growing cyber capabilities of foreign forces demonstrates the need for information sharing between U.S. federal agencies and private-sector companies to protect commercial networks from cyber attacks, a House Intelligence committee chairman said...
by Safiya Merchant | Mar 7, 2012 | Politics
Hector E. Sanchez, the executive director of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, said illegal immigration benefits American business (Safiya Merchant/Medill).Janet Murguia, the president and CEO of the National Council of La Raza, said...
by Ed Demaria | Mar 7, 2012 | Politics
WASHINGTON— Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who also is chairman of the Democratic National Convention, on Wednesday criticized the Washington establishment – especially Republicans — for letting partisan bickering stall action, especially denouncing...
by Rachel Morello | Mar 6, 2012 | Health & Science
WASHINGTON –Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius made her third appearance in front of Congress in less than three weeks Tuesday to defend her department’s $76.4 billion budget request for next year. Members of the Republican-dominated House...
by Shirley Li | Mar 6, 2012 | National Security, Politics
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama faced an eager press Tuesday in his first official news conference this year, taking on tough topics ranging from the question of possible U.S. involvement in Syria to conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh. After quickly...
by Ben Kamisar | Mar 6, 2012 | Education
WASHINGTON — Almost 60 years after the Supreme Court ruling that abolished legal segregation in public education, black and Hispanic students still face disproportionate access to rigorous courses and troubling levels of discipline in the classroom, according to a...
by Rebecca Nelson | Mar 6, 2012 | National Security, Politics
WASHINGTON – Taking time away from campaign stops in Super Tuesday states, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich switched from criticizing each other to blasting President Barack Obama’s Iran policies in speeches to a pro-Israel audience in...