Return of ROTC at Ivies could build bridges

In physical terms, the trip Harvard junior Victoria Migdal makes five times a week to train with MIT’s Reserve Officer Training Corps spans a mere two miles. The cultural gap it represents between the military and Migdal’s school—which has not had its own ROTC program...
Obama honors Medal of Freedom recipients

Obama honors Medal of Freedom recipients

What do George H. W. Bush, Stan Musial and Maya Angelou have in common? The former president, baseball legend and Pulitzer-nominated poet are among 15 people who received the 2010 Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama in a presentation ceremony earlier this...
Abortion bill hearing draws protesters

Abortion bill hearing draws protesters

WASHINGTON — Lines of protesters, reporters and congressional staff snaked down the halls of the Rayburn House Office Building on Tuesday and Wednesday as they waited to hear testimony on two bills that would permanently ban federal funding of abortion. Not the...
Duncan addresses Harvard study on career training

Duncan addresses Harvard study on career training

WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan decried the “false choice” between career readiness and college readiness Wednesday in response to a Harvard University study that suggests high schools should steer many students toward occupational education...

Mayors roll out ‘civility accord’

WASHINGTON — Between discussing civic issues from drug abuse to water conservation Wednesday morning, the United States Conference of Mayors paused to honor the victims of the deadly on shootings in Tucson on Jan. 8 with a moment of silence. Tucson Mayor Robert...

States hiding total education spending, expert says

By Rebecca Cohen and Allyson Byers | Medill News Service WASHINGTON — It doesn’t take a K-12 education to see how states could shrug off their budget deficits by adopting school vouchers, Patrick Byrne said Tuesday at an education forum hosted by the Cato Institute....
Boehner’s big moment

Boehner’s big moment

WASHINGTON — Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio., was elected speaker of the House of Representatives as the 112th Congress convened for the first time Wednesday, returning divided government to the nation’s capital after a two year interlude. A cheer went up from...