by David Uberti | Feb 29, 2012 | National Security, Politics
WASHINGTON— Middle East experts expressed doubt Wednesday that either Israel or United States is on the brink of conflict with Iran, despite hawkish headlines and aggressive rhetoric from all three countries. Their skepticism, they said, stems from the political...
by David Uberti | Feb 28, 2012 | National Security
WASHINGTON – The September attack in Yemen that used Predator drones to kill al-Qaida leader Anwar al-Awlaki was the latest high-profile strike showing that future wars could be remote-controlled. The key to the airstrike wasn’t the Hellfire missiles that took out...
by Rachel Morello | Feb 28, 2012 | Health & Science
WASHINGTON – Cheryl Chafos walks her 10-year-old son Zachary to the bus stop at 6:45 every morning. His ride to school is an hour and fifteen minutes long. Soon after, Chafos helps her toddler into the family car so she can drive a third son, Andrew, 11, to his...
by David Uberti | Feb 22, 2012 | National Security
WASHINGTON – Experts Wednesday called the situation in Iran a “budding crisis,” but they warned against military action to stop the country’s fledgling nuclear programs. A strike against Iranian nuclear facilities could not only increase regional sympathy for the...
by Ben Kamisar | Feb 14, 2012 | National Security, Politics
WASHINGTON – Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned Senators Tuesday that a failure to compromise on deficit reduction plans could jeopardize national security, leaving a “hollow” military in its wake. Panetta defended a Pentagon budget that requires $487 billion in...