GOP: Obama returns to campaign stump in address

GOP: Obama returns to campaign stump in address

WASHINGTON – Republican leaders Tuesday night denounced President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address as a campaign stunt, saying Obama put his push for 2012 re-election ahead of the country’s more pressing issues. Gov. Mitch Daniels, R-Ind., gave the official...

State of the Union: the dating game

WASHINGTON — It was prom night at the State of the Union. In an effort to promote bipartisanship, Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., wanted members of Congress from opposing parties to ask each other out on “dates” for President Barack Obama’s speech. While there was a...

All aboard the bipartisan express!

For the second year, some senators and House members ignored political labels and sat with colleagues from a different party at the State of the Union. Medill News Service asked senators taking the subway who their “dates” would be. Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn.,...

Fringe parties: This is not enough

WASHINGTON – For those outside the main political parties, the State of the Union looks much different than it did in President Barack Obama’s speech Tuesday night. As Obama outlined his economic blueprint in his address, and the GOP challenged that approach,...

Tracking Schumer through Statuary Hall

WASHINGTON — After the State of the Union address Tuesday, congressmen crowded into Statuary Hall to be interviewed by various news outlets. Sen. Chuck Schumer, gave two interviews before leaving the hall.