Panetta: U.S. determined to prevent Iran nuke

Panetta: U.S. determined to prevent Iran nuke

WASHINGTON — Appealing to a crowd of 13,000 pro-Israel activists, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta reaffirmed the United States’ strong commitment to Israel and emphasized its determination to “prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” “Iran will face...
Repealing Obamacare, bit by bit

Repealing Obamacare, bit by bit

(Department of Health and Human Services website)WASHINGTON — The panel tasked to cut Medicare costs in the 2010 health care reform law is under attack by Republicans and also some Democrats who complain that the 15 appointed members on the board have little...
Obama’s corporate tax plan faces criticism

Obama’s corporate tax plan faces criticism

WASHINGTON— President Obama’s corporate tax reform policy touting relief for the corporate and manufacturing sectors is taking a hit for failing to do just that.  Critics in the business community fear the promised  tax reductions for manufacturers, research and...