by Rachel Janik | Mar 7, 2013 | Politics
WASHINGTON—The Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday approved a gun trafficking bill over Republican opposition. The proposal would combat illegal movement of firearms across state lines, and also hit straw purchasers — those who buy guns from licensed dealers for...
by Kris Anne Bonifacio | Mar 7, 2013 | National Security, Politics
WASHINGTON – The Senate voted Thursday to confirm John Brennan as the next CIA director, ending a rare talking filibuster by Sen. Rand Paul after nearly 13 hours. The 63-34 tally included 13 Republicans voting for Brennan and three Democrats voting against his...
by Marshall Cohen | Mar 5, 2013 | Business, Politics
WASHINGTON — Jack Lew has accumulated a few gray hairs after four decades in Washington. Now that he’s Treasury secretary, he’s in store to grow a few more. Lew enjoyed a surprisingly smooth nomination process and the Senate overwhelmingly confirmed him last week to...
by Tara Longardner & Olivia Marcus | Mar 5, 2013 | Immigration
WASHINGTON—“Mixed status” families and their advocates consider a new federal immigration policy aimed to keep families together “a step in the right direction—but not good enough.” Under the rule effective Monday, certain undocumented immigrants who are immediate...
by Alyssa Howard | Mar 5, 2013 | Health & Science
WASHINGTON – Severely mentally ill individuals who may be prone to violence too often can’t get the psychiatric help they need because of legal roadblocks and inadequate treatment options, witnesses told a House investigatory committee said Tuesday. Held in the wake...
by Cathaleen Chen | Mar 5, 2013 | Immigration
Washington – In the widening immigration reform debate, lawmakers and immigration experts agreed Tuesday on the importance of recruiting highly skilled immigrants. The conclusion was simple — the current green card and visa system is ineffective in retaining...
by Stephanie Yang | Mar 5, 2013 | Politics
WASHINGTON- House Democrats said Tuesday they want to create more American jobs by introducing a bill that would require U.S.-made parts be used in the construction of all bridges, roads and other infrastructure projects nationwide. West Virginia Rep. Nick Rahall, the...
by Taylor Hiegel | Mar 5, 2013 | Business
WASHINGTON — Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman called on Congress to reignite the debate about “too-big-to-fail” banks, saying that the system gives unfair advantages to large financial institutions. “I think this issue is going someplace because it is based...
by Summer Delaney | Mar 5, 2013 | Business
WASHINGTON—The Gross Domestic Product will shrink by 0.5 percent this year due to the sequester of federal funds, Treasury Undersecretary of International Affairs Lael Brainard said Tuesday. In light of the fiscal climate, Brainard urged legislators and leading...
by Kris Anne Bonifacio | Mar 1, 2013 | Politics
[kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/sequester2.swf” height=”500″ width=”600″ /] As Congress and the White House negotiate alternatives for the impending sequester, find out how the across-the-board indiscriminate cuts...
by Summer Delaney | Feb 28, 2013 | Living, Politics
Voting Rights Act advocates rallied outside of the Supreme Court during the oral arguments of the case Shelby County v. Holder. Court hears Voting Rights Act challenge from Medill Washington on Vimeo.
by Audrey Cheng | Feb 27, 2013 | Business
WASHINGTON — It turns out there is a growing group on Capitol Hill joining the millions of Americans struggling to pay off their college loans: that’s right, congressmen have debt issues of their own. With 46 lawmakers still carrying student debt, financial aid...