Landry to author bill to curb recess appointments

WASHINGTON— A freshman lawmaker, angered by President Barack Obama’s recess appointment of Richard Cordray as head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is drafting a bill  to strip funding for salaries of presidential appointments made during a Senate...

Curbs on executive pay backed

In order to create jobs and expand the economy, panelists at the Center for American Progress argued Wednesday for reforms to the American model of capitalism—a path also needed, they said, to counteract executives earning billions and potential elimination of the...

Rx for saving the family doctor

Chevy Chase, Md. — In any given day, Dr. Tiffini Lucas may examine a wailing, feverish two-year old, advise a senior on exercises for arthritic pain and remove an atypical mole from a middle-aged mother’s back. Lucas is a primary care physician. In 2005, she...
Geithner faces GOP heat

Geithner faces GOP heat

WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner faced heat from House Republicans Tuesday as he sought to defend President Barack Obama’s 2012 budget proposal. A day after the White House unveiled a budget plan for Congress to consider, Geithner faced the...