WASHINGTON — With the sequester deadline looming, President Barack Obama Tuesday urged the House of Representatives to approve a balanced, short-term deal that would avoid severe budget cuts. Obama said the $85 billion cuts set to take effect March 1 – known as...
“This conversation couldn’t have come at a better time,” said Aaron Smith from the Young Invincibles. (Audrey Cheng/Medill)“The American dream doesn’t work if you don’t have the information to improve your life,” said...
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., urged the House to pass the Violence Against Women Act on Wednesday. (Audrey Cheng/Medill)House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer calls for solution for Dreamers on Wednesday. (Audrey Cheng/Medill)More than 20 House...
WASHINGTON — It’s not Oscar time yet, but one best actress nominee has already won a major prize. First lady Michelle Obama welcomed nine-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis as well as actor Dwight Henry and director Benh Zeitlin from “Beasts of the Southern Wild” to the...
WASHINGTON— Sens. Ron Wyden and Lisa Murkowski advocated different approaches to regulation of natural gas production Wednesday, but promised to find “common ground” as leading members of the Energy and Resources Committee. Wyden, D-Ore., and Murkowski, R-Alaska,...
WASHINGTON — The morning after President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech to a joint session of Congress, a group of Democrat and Republican lawmakers assembled by Politico had one major thing on their minds: How to avoid across-the-board federal...
WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary nominee Jack Lew deflected Republican critiques of his personal finances Wednesday at his Senate confirmation hearing, moving one step closer to his expected confirmation. Republicans peppered Lew, appearing before the Senate...
The second panel is sworn in. Panelists include Jose Antonio Vargas, Jessica Vaughan, Steve Case, Chris Crane and Janet Murguía. (Ashley Balcerzak/Medill)Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., greets undocumented immigrant Jose Antonio Vargas, a former Washington Post journalist...
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama urged Congress to take on his ambitious second-term agenda of job growth, immigration reform and gun control in a sweeping State of the Union address on Tuesday. “It is our unfinished task to restore the basic bargain that built...
Video by Gideon Resnick and Catherine Reid WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s fourth State of the Union address elicited strong opinions on both sides of the aisle. In laying out his agenda for his second term, Obama said he wanted improvements in the...
Some congressmen made their way to the the House Chamber to attend the State of the Union through their underground train. (Audrey Cheng/Medill)
Ambar Pinto Gomez, an undocumented student from Northern Virginia Community College, attended the State of the Union as the guest of Sen. Mark Warner, R-Va. She said she is listening for immigration reform to come up in Obama’s speech. “Hopefully [I’ll] hear that we have some [legislation passed] by the summer of this year,” she said. (Stephanie Yang/Medill)
State of the Union guests Dan and Matthew Gross make their way to the House Chamber Tuesday for President Barack Obama’s speech. (Stephanie Yang/Medill)
“We look forward to the president talking about gun violence and what we can do to prevent it, said Dan Gross, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. “He’s been amazingly committed to this issue so far in his second term, and we expect him to expand on that tonight in a very focused and meaningful way.” (Stephanie Yang/Medill)
One man on his way to the State of the Union said he hopes the president’s address will bring unity to the parties. “Well they say he is going to pivot back to the economy and jobs, but he pivots every year to the economy and jobs,” he said. “I hope that he says something that will resonate to both sides so we can come together and get something done.” (Ashley Balcerzak/Medill)
Lauren Sils, assistant to Sen. Thomas Carper, D-Del. said,
“I hope that Obama really sets the tone for the agenda in the next four years. I hope he is enthusiastic with his goals of immigration reform and gun control.” (MNS)
WASHINGTON—In an unusual effort to crowd the State of the Union address with single-issue advocates, more than 30 members of Congress gave their House chamber tickets to Americans affected by gun violence. “[This effort] is about the families, about protecting our...