by Jonathan Palmer | Jan 22, 2014 | Education
WASHINGTON – Increased access to early childhood education, improved workforce readiness and closing the socioeconomic achievement gap in education are top goals for 2014, a group of mayors from across the nation said Wednesday. At the winter meeting of the U.S....
by Ryan McCrimmon | Jan 22, 2014 | Politics
WASHINGTON – A week after unveiling major veterans’ benefits legislation, Sen. Bernie Sanders still needs to work out some significant details — like how to pay for the bill. “In terms of funding, we have not yet made a definitive decision,” said Sanders, chairman of...
by Jane Herman | Jan 22, 2014 | Business, Living
WASHINGTON – More than 100 Pentagon contract workers carrying poster of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and singing “We Shall Overcome” picketed outside the building Wednesday to demand that companies doing business with the federal government raise the...
by Vesko Cholakov | Jan 22, 2014 | Health & Science, National Security
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama’s move to curb the mass data collection by the National Security Agency is a step in the right direction but crucial details remain to be addressed, Silicon Valley top companies said and pledged to continue pushing for reforms....
by Sophia Bollag | Jan 22, 2014 | Politics
WASHINGTON — Thousands of anti-abortion activists faced freezing temperatures Wednesday to participate the annual March for Life. (See also: Frigid weather does little to deter March for Life events) Although their school was closed due to the snow,...
by Ellen Garrison | Jan 22, 2014 | Living, Politics
WASHINGTON – Community programs and law enforcement are crucial elements in preventing gang violence, a group of mayors sad Wednesday. During the Mayors and Police Chiefs Task Force meeting, Mayor Steve Benjamin of Columbia, S.C., also stressed the importance of...
by Sara Olstad | Jan 22, 2014 | Living
WASHINGTON – A majority of Supreme Court justices appeared to be sympathetic toward victims of abuse in a case Wednesday concerning reparations for child pornography victims. The case, Paroline v. United States, involves a woman referred to only as “Amy,” who was...
by Sylvan Lane | Jan 22, 2014 | Politics
WASHINGTON – Motor vehicle accident fatalities increased in 2012 while state legislatures passed fewer traffic safety laws than in recent years, according to a report by Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety. The road safety advocacy group released its 11th annual...
by Preetisha Sen | Jan 22, 2014 | Business
WASHINGTON – After a disappointing year for the economic health of American cities, the U.S. Conference of Mayors is looking forward to positive growth in jobs and the economy this year. For three days, more than 280 mayors attending the U.S. Conference of...
by Stephanie Haines | Jan 22, 2014 | National Security
WASHINGTON – A Senate bill that would impose more sanctions on Iran could make it more difficult to successfully negotiate a deal to limit the country’s nuclear enrichment program, a group of experts said Wednesday. On Monday the P5+1 countries — the five permanent...
by Jessica Floum | Jan 22, 2014 | National Security
WASHINGTON – A panel of security and terrorism experts urged heightened safeguards against threats at the 2014 Sochi Olympics during a news briefing at the Center for Strategic & International Studies Tuesday. Caucasus separatist fighters in the Chechen...
by Lauren Caruba | Jan 22, 2014 | Health & Science
WASHINGTON – In the midst of a cold freeze gripping the capital, thousands of people gathered Wednesday on the National Mall to protest federal funding for abortions and promote adoption on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which legalized the procedure in...