by Joshua Rosenblat | Jan 7, 2015 | Education
WASHINGTON — Gathered with constituents, Sen. Susan Collins and Sen. Joe Donnelly reintroduced bipartisan legislation Wednesday that would change a provision in the Affordable Care Act that they say hampers higher education. The Forty Hours Is Full Time Act aims...
by Bailey Williams | Jan 7, 2015 | Business, Health & Science
WASHINGTON — The Affordable Care Act is once again facing skepticism from senators who disagree with the law’s definition of a full-time employee, in spite of opponents’ belief in its potential harm to workers. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Sen. Joe Donnelly,...
by Paige Leskin | Jan 7, 2015 | National Security
WASHINGTON — The Transportation Security Administration needs tougher security procedures and screenings for airport workers following the December discovery of an airport gun smuggling ring, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said Wednesday. Along with Brooklyn District...
by Madeline Fox | Jan 7, 2015 | Living
WASHINGTON — Activist Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke about our era’s major social issues Wednesday at the National Press Club in a speech entitled “What Would Martin Luther King Say?” In celebration of her uncle’s birthday...
by Tal Axelrod | Jan 7, 2015 | National Security
WASHINGTON – Two authors described the perils of homegrown terrorism in the west in a talk to the liberal-leaning New America Foundation Wednesday. The think tank discussion featured Mubin Shaikh and Anne Speckhard and was moderated by New America Foundation Director...
by William Hicks | Jan 7, 2015 | National Security
WASHINGTON — With the mood already solemn because the day’s terrorist attacks in France, two members of Congress Wednesday urged President Barack Obama to release classified information on the terrorist attacks of 9/11. “Just like the tragedy in France today, no...
by Ashley Gilmore | Jan 7, 2015 | Politics
WASHINGTION-Joni Ernst, on the verge of becoming Iowa’s first female member of Congress, held her grandmother’s Bible tightly in her right hand, smiling wide, with her left hand raised, as she took the oath of office Tuesday in the U.S. Senate chamber. The new Sen....
by Vesko Cholakov | Mar 23, 2014 | Politics
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by Mary Kate Hayes | Mar 18, 2014 | Business
WASHINGTON – Accepting an unpaid internship position does more harm than good, the National Association of Colleges and Employers concluded after conducting a survey of college students. But for those who can land paid internships, there are a lot of benefits. The...
by Ellen Garrison | Mar 18, 2014 | Politics
WASHINGTON – In 2012, young American voters propelled President Barack Obama to victory in at least five key states. Obama won voters aged 18 to 29 in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nevada, Virginia and Florida, but he lost in those same states among voters above the age of 45....