Women’s issues to haunt GOP in general election

Women’s issues to haunt GOP in general election

  WASHINGTON—While the economy still tops the talking points of Republican presidential candidates, the battle over access to birth control and other women’s health issues has sprung to life on the primary campaign trail as a hot-button issue that some say will...

Afghanistan: U.S. losing fight for the people

Afghanistan: 2015 from Medill Washington on Vimeo. WASHINGTON – The U.S. soldier who shot and killed 16 Afghani civilians Sunday didn’t just burn their corpses afterward – he also set fire to the cornerstone of American success in the country: Afghan trust. The attack...
Invasive carp: A fishy situation

Invasive carp: A fishy situation

WASHINGTON— Charlie Gilpin Jr. has been fishing on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers for almost 20 years, and invasive Asian carp have been a nuisance for as long as he can remember. Recently, he counted 23 carp inside his boat. They got there just by jumping. But...

Draft fracking regulations already drawing fire

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is taking flak for the first federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing, a controversial technique for drilling for natural gas — and it hasn’t even formally announced them yet. “These new regulations will add...

Space: the political frontier

WASHINGTON — A grainy black and white video on YouTube shows then President-John F. Kennedy addressing a joint session of Congress on May 25, 1961. Kennedy pauses after each phrase and inflects his voice upwards as he says, “I believe that this nation should...