WASHINGTON— The U.S. government has declared 50 percent more national disasters on average over the last 10 years when compared to the previous decade, but the nation’s main disaster relief agency is about to lose more than $1 billion in federal funding. How much it...
WASHINGTON- House Democrats said Tuesday they want to create more American jobs by introducing a bill that would require U.S.-made parts be used in the construction of all bridges, roads and other infrastructure projects nationwide. West Virginia Rep. Nick Rahall, the...
WASHINGTON—Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano today said improving aviation security, immigration reform and cybersecurity are the main priorities of her agency this year in in her annual state of homeland security address. However, Napolitano said the $85...
WASHINGTON— Sens. Ron Wyden and Lisa Murkowski advocated different approaches to regulation of natural gas production Wednesday, but promised to find “common ground” as leading members of the Energy and Resources Committee. Wyden, D-Ore., and Murkowski, R-Alaska,...
Some congressmen made their way to the the House Chamber to attend the State of the Union through their underground train. (Audrey Cheng/Medill)
Ambar Pinto Gomez, an undocumented student from Northern Virginia Community College, attended the State of the Union as the guest of Sen. Mark Warner, R-Va. She said she is listening for immigration reform to come up in Obama’s speech. “Hopefully [I’ll] hear that we have some [legislation passed] by the summer of this year,” she said. (Stephanie Yang/Medill)
State of the Union guests Dan and Matthew Gross make their way to the House Chamber Tuesday for President Barack Obama’s speech. (Stephanie Yang/Medill)
“We look forward to the president talking about gun violence and what we can do to prevent it, said Dan Gross, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. “He’s been amazingly committed to this issue so far in his second term, and we expect him to expand on that tonight in a very focused and meaningful way.” (Stephanie Yang/Medill)
One man on his way to the State of the Union said he hopes the president’s address will bring unity to the parties. “Well they say he is going to pivot back to the economy and jobs, but he pivots every year to the economy and jobs,” he said. “I hope that he says something that will resonate to both sides so we can come together and get something done.” (Ashley Balcerzak/Medill)
Lauren Sils, assistant to Sen. Thomas Carper, D-Del. said,
“I hope that Obama really sets the tone for the agenda in the next four years. I hope he is enthusiastic with his goals of immigration reform and gun control.” (MNS)
WASHINGTON– Sen. Marco Rubio called for smaller government and less spending in the Republican Party’s response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday night. An unwavering and serious Rubio spoke directly into a camera about his...
WASHINGTON— House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s plan to rebrand the Republican Party neglected a priority for the Obama administration and also many Americans — climate change. After a dip in 2009, public acceptance of climate change as a reality is growing. According...
WASHINGTON – The United States is in the midst of a boom in oil and natural gas production that could lead to 1.3 million new jobs and an energy-independent future, government officials and energy experts told a House energy committee hearing Tuesday. Adam Sieminski,...
13 representatives from government agencies and NGO’s wait for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to arrive. (Audrey Cheng/Medill)Curator and director of the Diplomatic Reception Room Marcee Craighill introduced the Benjamin Franklin Room and Secretary of State...
WASHINGTON – In light of severe storms and hurricanes in recent years, the RAND Corporation, a major national security think tank, offered a $50 billion master plan Wednesday for reducing flooding and damages in coastal areas. The funding to support such a plan,...
On the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Stoppatriarchy.org is the first organization to begin its protest for abortion rights. Stephanie Yang/MedillMembers of Stoppatriarchy.org tape together signs with pictures George Tiller, a doctor who was shot by an...
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi greets Democrats as she enters the hearing room. (Audrey Cheng/Medill)Emily Nottingham, a mother of a victim from the Tucson shooting, and Chief Scott Knight of the Chaska, Minn., Police Department chat before the hearing. (Audrey...