The Congressional Progressive Caucus Task Force on Peace and Security held a briefing on Afghanistan, Tuesday.

The hearing was co-chaired by Rep. Lynn Woosley, D-Calif., Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass., and Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y.

“The war in Afghanistan after 9 and half years has been given more than enough chances to work,” Rep. Woosley said. “It’s done none of the things it’s supposed to do. It has bankrupted this country […] In the name of moral decency, in the name of fiscal sanity, it’s time to bring our troops home.”

Secretary of Defense, Gen. David Petraeus’ testified Tuesday before the Senate Arms Services Committee that troops would begin to withdraw this summer.

Rep. Woosley expressed discontent with Petraeus’ testimony.

“When he testifies on the House side, I hope the representatives will demand the clarity that the American people deserve,” Rep. Woosley said.

The briefing offered the perspectives of three panelists.

Robert A. Pape, PhD, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, spoke about the increase of suicide bombing in Afghanistan. “Foreign occupation is the smoke that triggers the lung cancer that is suicide terrorism,” Pape said.

Matthew Hoh, former Marine Captain and State Department Appointee who resigned his post in Afghanistan because of his perception of a misguided policy also spoke. He pushed for concrete goals. “The idea that were going to have a conditions based withdrawal has a logical fallacy to it,” Hoh said.

The briefing also addressed the alleged use of psychological operations on senators visiting Afghanistan. Michael Hastings, author of “Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators” for the Rolling Stone was the final speaker at the event. Hastings also recently won a George Polk award for his reporting that led to Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal’s resignation last year.

“I saw Gen. Petreus’ testimony this morning,” Hastings said. “We can call this the Charlie Sheen counterinsurgency strategy. To keep speaking [to major media outlets], saying you’re winning and hope the American public believes it.”